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  • Andy Monk

Open for Business

Finally have my website back up and in a useable state. Please bear with me if not every button and link works properly. The paints still wet here! I've put some new bits in compared to the old dead site and I'll be adding some more content and graphics over the coming weeks. I'll try and flag up anything brand spanking new here.

As it is, I've added a newsletter section, including an archive of my old newsletters going back over the last few years. I've been sending them out roughly quarterly since I started them, but am planning to get them out at least monthly from April, as I have some new, bright, shiny stuff to share with people.

More news on that shortly.

As for now, I'm officially open again. Come in, have a look around and see what I've done to the place. We're all friends here. I won't bite. Honest....

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